
CTi’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

CTi has adopted the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to maintain ethical conduct and promote compliance with any applicable state and federal legislation. All of the Directors, executives and employees of the Company shall familiarize themselves with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and shall consistently adhere to the guidance and principles set forth in the Code, always exhibiting integrity and business ethics and preserving the confidentiality of proprietary Company information. The solutions of possible issues shall be performed in a timely, constructive manner in accordance with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Any and all waivers made by the Board of Directors shall be disclosed without any delay as per the requirements of the OTC Bulletin Board.

Download CTi Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Non-Discrimination, Non-Harassment and Non-Retaliation Policy

The Company explicitly prohibits any and all forms of discrimination in the workplace based upon: sex, race, national origin, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other protected categories. CTi is devoted to complying with all applicable state and federal laws that protect employees against retaliation for making a complaint under this policy or for participating in an investigation of violations. Where complaints are found to have merit, appropriate actions will be vested immediately. The entirely confidential complaints involving the aforementioned matters shall be reported to the Board of Directors.

Trading and Private Policy

CTi supports measures to broaden their employees’ ownership by all appropriate means to further enhance the performance and morale of all the Compnay’s workers. The trading policy of the Company and the laws of a number of countries, including the US, prohibit trading in the securities while in possession of knowledge that is nonpublic information. Directors and executives are subject to reporting as per SEC rules, and must adhere to other restrictions regarding the trade of their CTi securities.

The content of the Company’s website, which displays material owned by CTi or licensed to the Company, is for general information and is subject to change without prior notice. The website may contain links to the websites of other companies, governmental agencies and supplemental sources of information. CTi is committed to protecting personal data collected on its website, if any. To optimize the website and meet the needs of readers, the general information about visitors of our website may be harvested automatically. In the case of employment applications, an applicant may submit his/her resume or CV disclosing personal information. Data collected on each candidate will not be shared outside the Company and will be used in the hiring process only.

Transfer Agent

Nevada Agency and Transfer Company
50 West Liberty Street, Suite 880
Reno, NV 89501
Tel: 775-322-0626
Fax: 775-322-5623

CavitationTechnologies, Inc.10019 Canoga Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311 USA+1 (818) 718-0905