Cavitation Technologies Completes Testing Trials of its Green D+ Vegetable Oil Degumming Technonology

16 Jun 2009

Chatsworth, and Los Angeles Calif.: June 16, 2009: Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CTI) (OTC: CVAT) announced today that, it has completed testing trials of its chemical free "Green D+ Plus Degumming" (GPD) system for efficient and inexpensive refining of crude vegetable oils.

CTI's new GPD system is based on its patented flow-through Nano Cavitation Reactor technology that promotes the formation, growth, and implosive collapse of gas or vapor-filled bubbles in liquids. The process involves the mixing of crude vegetable oil and water and exposing them to high-pressure impulses and micro explosions at the molecular level causing the gums to become denser thus allowing efficient separation and higher oil yields.

This environmentally friendly technology represents a significant advancement over current 40-year-old process techniques and will save oil mills and refineries a substantial amount of money by reducing the amount of equipment, energy, acid (90% less) and eliminating the need for neutralization.

This new development is welcome news for full press and solvent extraction plants that are looking for ways to reduce costs and improve profitability. For full press plants that do not currently have refining equipment, this will now allow them to improve the quality, stability and value of their oil without the complex and costly systems of yesterday.

In several tests conducted with Stan Loft, a renowned world expert in the field of vegetable oil refining, CTI processed crude vegetable oil with more than 1,300 PPM phosphorus were reduced to less than 17-25 PPM with only the use of water, this is more than an 80% improvement compared to typical hot water degumming that reduces gums to about 200 PPM. Mr. Loft stated, "I have never seen anything like this, it is absolutely amazing and is a significant improvement over existing practices and systems"

An added benefit resulting from the new Green D+ Plus Degumming process is much higher quality and more valuable lecithin can be produced since the gums are removed without acid, which can damage the quality of the lecithin.

About Cavitation Technologies

Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CTI); (OTC: CVAT); is a "Green-Tech" company, established in 2006 to become a world leader in the development of new cutting edge technologies for the, vegetable oil refining, renewable fuel, petroleum, water treatment, wastewater sanitation, petroleum, food and beverage, chemical industries.

CavitationTechnologies, Inc.10019 Canoga Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311 USA+1 (818) 718-0905